Success doesn’t come from hard work. It doesn’t come from learning strategies. It doesn’t even come from being in action and implementing those strategies.
Success doesn’t happen without having the right mindset. Today, I want to share 3 Mindset Hacks for successful entrepreneurs.
((Listen to the Podcast below))
#1 Being Honest With Yourself
The first mindset hack is you have to be honest with yourself. You need to embrace your imperfections and weaknesses.
Because here’s a fact. We’re all humans. None of us are perfect. That doesn’t mean you need to focus on the negative. You have a lot of positives that you can focus on why you are awesome.
But we want to be aware of that to embrace them and be ok with our imperfections. If you hide from them, you’ll never overcome them.
Being Authentic
When we’re around people who always want to come off as perfect (there’s nothing wrong with them), we don’t want to be around them.
And that’s the same thing in your business. If you come off as too perfect, people aren’t going to want to learn from you. It’s just not authentic. There’s no connection there.
It is ok to be vulnerable when you’re around prospects, customers, or clients. You can admit your faults and weaknesses when talking with them because it’s going to be authentic.
A Connection
Also, when you are vulnerable, you create a level of connectedness with people. For example, at Ninjacon, Melanie, a client of mine, got very vulnerable.
There were a lot of tears shed. But through that vulnerability, there was a level of connectedness with everybody in the room.
And the same thing happens when you’re talking to your clients, being able to be comfortable with the skin you’re in, be ok, that you have weaknesses.
#2 View Challenges as Opportunities
The next mindset hack is to view challenges as opportunities. Often, when something isn’t going our way or not going according to plan we:
- Get frustrated
- Shut down
- Stop moving forward
- No longer in action
When I was younger, I would feel like I would like to hide inside a turtle shell. I actually imagined a turtle shell on my back. I would just want to go inside of it, close my eyes to the world, and not have to deal with whatever the situation was.
But as we grow older, what we want to do is recognize those times as opportunities. Sure they suck and are uncomfortable, but that is negative and leads to inaction.
Instead of thinking this sucks use this mindset hack and think about what you can do about it. You have an opportunity to learn something to help you grow.
Let Yourself Fail
What really helps is permitting yourself to fail. I get it no one likes or wants to fail. But if you can permit yourself to fail, that will take a weight off of your shoulders so that you can be in action and do whatever the thing is.
Because whenever you do anything, it’s never perfect anyway. The most successful people in the world are the ones who are producing and launching and taking action inside their imperfections.
If you get caught up in perfection and everything, you will overanalyze everything and never accomplish anything.
Do you see yourself going back and trying to tweak it over and over again? Since it is never perfect, you are continuously stuck analyzing and fixing it.
So just be ok with failing, and be ok with not being perfect.
#3 Always Learning
Finally, the third mindset hack is always to be a student. I don’t mean just learning a particular topic, but be a student of learning. What does that mean? It means you always want to be learning, whether it’s a topic, a subject, or a skill set. You first need to figure out what type of learning works for you.
- Reading books or blogs
- Listening to podcasts or audiobooks
- Watching videos on Youtube or in courses (Here’s my Youtube Channel)
Reading doesn’t work for me unless I have a physical book that I can highlight information and take notes at the end of each chapter. This helps me retain the information.
So some people, though, are audio learners. They can sit and listen to podcasts and audiobooks and retain information. That’s how they learn.
And then other people like myself are more visual. I’d rather watch a video or a training program. Watching somebody telling me something helps me retain that information a lot better.
I’m always learning. I still want to get better and increase my knowledge. Knowledge is power and wisdom.
No One Size Fits All Model of Learning
Often, people try to tell you how they do things. And they want you to do it the exact same way as they do it. That doesn’t always work because it’s not you. It’s not going to work for you.
When I first started in a sales position, I wasn’t doing good at all. I knew I need to try something different.
And there was a guy on my team. He had a very dry personality and humor but a very intelligent, logical, and analytical person. As for me, I’m a little bit more eccentric and outgoing.
He had this technique where he was like the stern father figure, directing people to what he wanted them to do. And if they didn’t, there were consequences.
He would say that he was the gatekeeper to join the program, and you have to go through him if it was something you want to do.
He got people in line, people signed up for the program, and he was doing really well. So I thought since he was doing well that I should try his approach.
I thought he was pretty tough, and I didn’t really like how he talked to people. It seemed awkward, but I gave it a try anyway.
My first conversation was going rather well until I used his approach. And the prospect hung up on me. Because I tried to be somebody else, and that doesn’t work for my character.
So the moral of the story is to know how you learn and not try to fit into a box that other people try to fit you into. It’s all about finding you own voice and your own way of learning.
Wrap it Up
Acknowledge your imperfections and be vulnerable. Remember that no one is perfect. People need to know you are a human being, not a robot.
View your challenges as opportunities and give yourself grace in failing.
And then always be a student of learning.
So those are the three mindset hacks that I wanted to cover with you today. Write these down so you can practice them. Because without practicing them, you’re never going to implement them. And if you don’t implement them, you’re never going to have a change in your mindset. If you don’t have a change in your mindset, you’re never going to be able to break through that glass ceiling that’s preventing you from getting to the success you want.
I would love to hear how you’re implementing these mindset hacks. Drop your comments and questions below.
Need more resources to level up your mindset? Check out the posts below.
- The Entrepreneurial Mindset Needed for Success
- 4 Steps to Change Your Mindset for Success
- How to Have a Positive Mindset in Sales When Life Sucks