Level Up Mastermind Task 13

Task 13

Bad thoughts be gone

Our thoughts don’t always serve us. We need to stop the negativity quickly before we get into that downward spiral. When we don’t have negative thoughts of our own, it seems there’s always some external source waiting to bring the negative to our attention – news, social media, people.
Today you will stop a negative thought in its tracks. When you feel a negative thought, replace it with a positive one and then share that with us.

Remember How Much Others Can Get Out Of Your Sharing! Help Another Person Out By Posting In The Group…

  • That you did this exercise
  • What you experienced from this exercise

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My Top 5 Favorite Closing Questions Guide

37% Of Deals Are Lost At The Close

Because we all get awkward when we ask people for money.
We lose our confidence, which is the #1 KILLER OF SALES.

EASY FIX is having a scripted closing question THAT WORKS.

Once memorized you’ll sound confident and start CLOSING MORE CLIENTS.

Download this workbook and get…

  • A TON OF CLOSING TYPES: They’re all scripted out, READY for you to use.
  • I ALSO TEACH YOU: How to craft your own unique closing question.

37% Of Deals Are Lost At The Close

Because we all get awkward when we ask people for money.
We lose our confidence, which is the #1 KILLER OF SALES.

EASY FIX is having a scripted closing question THAT WORKS.

Once memorized you’ll sound confident and start CLOSING MORE CLIENTS.

Download this workbook and get…

  • A TON OF CLOSING TYPES: They’re all scripted out, READY for you to use.
  • I ALSO TEACH YOU: How to craft your own unique closing question.

Download Your FREE Workbook Now!

Speaking Masterclass

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To Get Started Download My FREE eBook: “5 Reasons Coaches DO NOT Consistently Generate High-Quality Leads”
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To Get Started Download Our FREE eBook: 5 Reason Businesses DO Not Consistently Generate High Quality Leads

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